The Communications of |
If the entry you seek does not include a direct link to a PDF for the paper, try following the link to the issue's table of contents to see if the paper is part of a larger PDF.
Accumulated lists are also available by author/people and by category/keyword.
In the immediately following list of links into the rest of this list, click on the title alphabetically nearest to the one you seek.
10 years of TeX Live in Debian
The 16 faces of a Dutch math journal
16 years of ConTeXt
1980 TUG Treasurer's report
1987 Annual Meeting, Call for papers: TeX for the Humanities
The 1990 DECUS TeX collection
1995 Knuth Scholarship
1996 TeX Users Group election
1996 TUG election cancelled
1996 TUG election—nomination form
1997 TUG Election
2001 TeX Users Group election
2023 TeX Users Group election
2025 TeX Users Group election
Notice and candidate form for the 2025 TUG election.
25 Years of TeX and Metafont: Looking back and looking forward — TUG 2003 keynote address
2nd meeting of the NTS group, February 1994
The 3rd Annual GuIT Meeting
4th ConTeXt meeting (Brejlov, Czech Republic) announcement
64-bit TeX
6th German TeX meeting
6th Meeting of the “TeX-Interessenten” in Germany
7 bits good, 8 bits bad or “The eight-bit blight”
The ABC's of special effects
Ab epistulis
In memoriam: Dan Carr, Bill Hill
About TeX's error messages
About the DK versions of Lucida
Absolute positioning with textpos
An abstract model for tables
Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Eighth European TeX Conference, Gdańsk, September 1994
(Ab)use of ligatures and other font features
Accessibility in the LaTeX kernel—experiments in Tagged PDF (#accessibilityinthelatexkernelexperimentsintaggedpdf)
Accountant's review of TUG financial records, years ended December 31, 1987 and 1986
Acknowledgement of Contributions
Acknowledgements and Conference Program: Innovation (#acknowledgementsandconferenceprograminnovation)
Acknowledgment of contributions
AcroTeX: Acrobat and TeX team up
Active TeX and the DOT input syntax
Adapting Omega to OpenType fonts (#adaptingomegatoopentypefonts)
Adapting ProofCheck to the author's needs
Adaptive character generation and spatial expressiveness
Addenda: A suggested “operational requirement” for LaTeX3's treatment of bibliographic references (TUGboat 14(4), pp. 425-433)
Addenda: The BCS Word Processor Review
Addenda to the output device charts
Addendum: A style option for rotated objects in TeX Issue 13(2), pp. 156–180
Adding native language support to the CWEB package and the TeX program (#addingnativelanguagesupporttothecwebpackageandthetexprogram)
Adding XMP metadata in LaTeX
Addison-Wesley—Computers & Typesetting
Addison-Wesley—TeX news
Addison-Wesley; von Hoerner&Sulger; Cheryl Ponchin Training; River Valley Technologies; Principiae; University Science Books
Additional Hyphenation Patterns
Adobe plugin for WARMreader
Adrian Frutiger, 1928–2015
Advanced features for publishing mathematics, in PDF and on the Web
Advanced font features with XeTeX—the fontspec package
Advanced `special' support in a dvi driver
Advances in PythonTeX with an introduction to fvextra
Advertising TeX
The A-in-LaTeX Contest: Deadline extended
The Aleph project
ALI-BABA and the 40 Unicode characters—Towards the ideal Arabic working environment
Aligning text in diagrams exported by Mathematica: A question about the PostScript infrastructure
(Supplemental information as described in the article.)
Allographic biometrics and behavior synthesis
Almost 30 years of using TeX
Alphabets artificiels et synthetiques
The alphabet tree
AlQalam for typesetting traditional Arabic texts
Alternatives to Computer Modern Mathematics
AmigaTeX… or How envy was resisted and knowledge found on the road to Ööç
The Amiri typeface
The amsrefs LaTeX package and the amsxport BibTeX style (#amsrefslatexpackageandtheamsxportbibtexstyle)
AMS site report
Amsterdam, 13 March 1996—Knuth meets NTG members
AmSTeX—“A very friendly product”
AMSTeX Panel Discussion (#amstexpaneldiscussion)
An Analogy with Web Sites
Anatomy of a macro
Anatomy of a TeX macro package
Anchored figures at either margin
Ancient non-Roman languages
Ancient TeX: Using XeTeX to support classical and medieval studies
an early AmSTeX user
Animating Fourier series decomposition of a character with LuaTeX and MPLIB
Animations in pdfTeX-generated PDF
Announcement: Fifth ATypI Working Seminar, The computer and the hand in type design: The aesthetics and technology of digital letterforms
Announcement: Manipulation de Documents—Journées Francophones
Announcement of LaTeX Version 2.09
Announcing a TUG dingbat competition
Announcing (belatedly) TeXMaG
Announcing two reports: SGML-LaTeX and Journal style guidelines (#announcingtworeportssgmllatexandjournalstyleguidelines)
Another approach to barcodes
Another approach to multiple changefiles
Another dingbat idea (#anotherdingbatidea)
Another hangup
Another incarnation of Lucida: Towards Lucida OpenType
Another look at LaTeX to SGML conversion
Another seasonal puzzle: XII take II
ANSI X3V1.8 Liaison Report to the TUG
Answers to Exercises for TeX: The Program
Answers to the TeXtests
Antykwa Toruńska: An electronic replica of a Polish traditional type
The apa6 LaTeX class: Challenges encountered updating to new requirements
APA style in LaTeX
APE—A set of TeX macros to format Ada programs
The apnum package: Arbitrary precision numbers implemented in TeX macros
Appendix A. Output samples from a paper by David Eck
Appendix G illuminated
An application of literate programming: Creating a format for the Bulletin of the Polish TUG
Approaching Asymptote
Approaching SGML from TeX
An approach to drawing circuit diagrams for text books
April Fool's Hoax
Arabic, Persian and Ottoman TeX for Mac and PC (#arabic,persianandottomantexformacandpc)
Arabic font building for LaTeX
Arabic mathematical e-documents
Arabic text justification
Arabic text justification using LuaLaTeX and the DigitalKhatt OpenType variable font
The Arabi system—TeX writes in Arabic and Farsi
Arara—TeX automation made easy
Architectural guides for Bonn—book production with ConTeXt
ArchiTeX, a preliminary international page pattern maker
Are justification and hyphenation good or bad for the reader? Preliminary experimental results
Are virtual fonts obsolete?
An argument for learning LaTeX: The benefits of typesetting and beyond
Arrows for Technical Drawings
Art Concret, Basic Design and meta-design
Arthur Lee Samuel, 1901–1990
An artist's journey on a TUGboat
The art of LaTeX problem solving
An ASCII previewer for TeX
ASCII Preview with vuTeX
ASCII.sty: A new style-option and encoded font with IBM graphics control characters for use with TeX and LaTeX (#asciistyanewstyleoptionandencodedfontwithibmgraphicscontrolcharactersforusewithtexandlatex)
Asemic writing using MetaFun in ConTeXt
Asian Journal of TeX
Ask not what TUG can do for you, ask what you can do for TUG!
Assembling a moderately-priced, high-performance clone of the IBM PC for running TeX
An asterisk's lament
Astrological charts with horoscop and starfont
Asymptote: A vector graphics language
Asymptote: Interactive TeX-aware 3D vector graphics
Asymptote: Lifting TeX to three dimensions
Atari ST site report
An attempt at creating font transitions
An attempt at ragged-right typesetting
Attendees, TUG Winter meeting, January 11–12, 1982, Cincinnati, Ohio
Attention, Australian TUG members
Attributes in Markdown
ATypI 2016 with GUST participating
An audio view of (La)TeX documents
An audio view of LaTeX documents — part II
August 1984 SC meeting
AUTHIDX: An author/editor indexing package
Authors new to TeX publish a textbook with a publisher new to TeX
Author vs. proofreader
The autodoc–option (#autodocoption)
AutoLetter: A TeX form letter procedure
Automated index generation for LaTeX
Automated tagging of LaTeX documents—what is possible today, in 2023?
Automatically generate personalized tasks and sample solutions for the fundamentals of electrical engineering with PGFPlots and CircuiTikZ
Automatically removing widows and orphans with lua-widow-control
Automatic conversion from a scientific word processor to TeX
Automatic conversion of Metafont fonts to Type-1 PS
Automatic generation of herbarium labels from spreadsheet data using LaTeX (#automaticgenerationofherbariumlabelsfromspreadsheetdatausinglatex)
Automatic non-standard hyphenation in
Automatic page balancing macros wanted; Replies: Inverted pyramidal titles; Logarithmic time scales
Automatic page sizing
Automatic report generation with Web, TeX and SQL
Automatic tables using SGML, C, and TeX
Automatic typesetting of formulas using computer algebra
Automating LaTeX(3) testing
Availability of Oregon Software implementation of TeX for the VAX/VMS
Avoid eqnarray!
Axessibility: Creating PDF documents with accessible formulae
Axis alignment in Xypic diagrams
Babel, a multilingual style-option system for use with LaTeX's standard document styles
Babel speaks Hindi
The back benches beckon
Back to the roots: TUG2019 in Palo Alto
The bag of tricks
Balancing columns of text and translation
Balancing columns of text and translation (from Johnny Stovall)
Barbara N. Beeton: TUG Board member for 20 years
A bar chart in LaTeX
Basic Latin brevigraphs listed in Polonia Typographica Saeculi Sedecimi—Progress report
BaSiX: An interpreter written in TeX
Basque: A case study in generalizing LaTeX language support
Batch Commander: A graphical user interface for TeX
Beamer by example
The beamer class: Controlling overlays
Beamer news: 2023
Beamer overlays beyond the \visible
Becoming a CTAN mirror
A beginner's guide to file encoding and TeXShop
A beginner's guide to MetaPost for creating high-quality graphics
Behind the scenes of the Great TikZlings Christmas Extravaganza
Belleek: A call for Metafont revival
Benefits, care and feeding of the bigfoot package
Benson-Varian 9211 looking for a home
Between then and now—A meandering memoir
Beyond \newcommand with xparse
Beyond Roman fonts: Extra dimensions in Malayalam fonts
Beyond Trip and Trap: Testing the urtext WEB sources
Slightly updated article on the web site.
bib2gls: selection, cross-references and locations
bib2gls: sorting
bib2gls: standalone entries and repeated lists (a little book of poisons)
Biber—the next generation backend processor for BibLaTeX
biblatex variations
Biblet: A portable BibTeX bibliography style for generating highly customizable XHTML
A bibliographer's toolbox
Bibliographic citations; or variations on the old shell game
Bibliography of Niklaus Wirth (1934–2024)
Bibliography prettyprinting and syntax checking
Bibliography styles easier with MlBibTeX
BibTeX 1.0
BibTeX 101
BibTeX-based dataset generation for training citation parsers
BibTeX meets relational databases
BibTeX reconsidered
BibTeX++: Toward higher-order BibTeXing
BibTeX yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Bibulous—A drop-in BibTeX replacement based on style templates
Bibulus—a Perl/XML replacement for BibTeX
bibview: A graphical user interface to BibTeX
The bigfoot bundle for critical editions
The bird and the lion: arara
Bitmaps and halftones with BM2FONT
A bit of doggerel (#bitofdoggerel)
Biuletyn GUST
Blackboard Bold
Blacker Thoughts
BLUe's format—the off-off alternative
Blue Sky Research
The Board's suspension of the President
Bookbinding workshop: Making a portfolio
Book design for TeX users, Part 1: Theory
Book design for TeX users: Part 2: Practice
Book publishing using TeX
Book review: An Italian guide to LaTeX, by Claudio Beccari
Book review: Do Not Erase, by Jessica Wynne
Book review: Glisterings, by Peter Wilson
Book review: Godine at Fifty, by David R. Godine
Book review: LaTeX Beginner's Guide, second edition, by Stefan Kottwitz
Book review: LaTeX Cookbook, second edition, by Stefan Kottwitz
Book review: LaTeX Graphics with TikZ, by Stefan Kottwitz
Book review: Learning LaTeX, Second Edition, by David F. Griffiths and Desmond J. Higham
Book Reviews
Book reviews: LaTeX for Everyone, by Jane Hahn; Practical SGML, by Eric van Herwijnen
Book reviews: Robert Granjon, letter-cutter, and Granjon's Flowers, by Hendrik D.L. Vervliet
Book reviews: Shift Happens, by Marcin Wichary
Book review: Stop Stealing Sheep & Find out how type works, by Erik Spiekermann
Book review: TeX by Topic, by Victor Eijkhout
Book review: Text and Math Into LaTeX, sixth edition, by George Grätzer
Book review: The LaTeX Companion, 3rd edition, by Frank Mittelbach with Ulrike Fischer
Book review: The LaTeX Companion, 3rd edition, by Frank Mittelbach with Ulrike Fischer (PDF edition)
Both TeX and DVI viewers inside the web browser
Boxes and more boxes
The box-glue-penalty algebra of TeX and its use of \prevdepth
Box plots and scatter plots with TeX macros
Brackets around anything
Braille fonts in Project Fandol
A Brazilian Portuguese work on MetaPost, and how mathematics is embedded in it
Breaking equations
Bridging scientific publication accessibility: LaTeX–markup–PDF–alignment
Brief functional characterization of the procedures in the TeX/Pascal compilation unit, SYSDEP
A brief history of TeX, volume II
A brief report on the first GuIT meeting
Bringing world scripts to LuaTeX: The HarfBuzz experiment
Bubbles: A TeXtension in search of a TeXpert
A bug in TeXtures v0.95 prerelease
Bugs in Computers & Typesetting, 6 July 2003
Bugs in Metafontware
Building a modern editing environment on Windows around GNU Emacs and AUCTeX
Building Computer Modern Fonts
Bumpy road towards a good LaTeX visual editor at Overleaf
ByZLaTeX: A package for typesetting “Byzantine” music (#byzlatexapackagefortypesettingbyzantinemusic)
Cahiers GUTenberg
Calculating covers with ConTeXt
The calculator and calculus packages: Arithmetic and functional calculations inside LaTeX
The Calculator Demo, Integrating TeX, MetaPost, JavaScript and PDF
Calendar and Calls for Papers
Call for Papers
Call for papers, EuroTeX'94 (Gdansk, Poland, 26–30 September 1994)
Call for Papers: Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography inde(Nice, France, 20–22 April 1988)
Call for papers: EP92: International conference on electronic publishing, document manipulation, and typography, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7–10 April 1992
Call for papers: RIDT'89—International Workshop on Raster Imaging and Digital Typography, Lausanne, Switzerland, 12–13 October 1989
Call for papers: RIDT 91 (raster imaging/digital typography), Boston, 15–16 October 1991
Call for papers: SGML & TeX conference, 31 August 1990, Groningen, The Netherlands
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Electronic Publishing: Origination, Dissemination and Design on Active Documents
Call for papers: Tenth meeting, DANTE, Vienna, 20–22 February 1991
Call for papers: TeX for scientific documentation, Varenna, Italy, May 16–17, 1985
Call for papers: TUG'96
Call for papers: TUG Annual Meeting, Montréal, 22–24 August 1988
Call for papers: TUG Tenth Annual Meeting, Stanford University, 21–23 August 1989
Call for papers: TUG Twelfth Annual Meeting, suburban Boston, 15–18 July 1991
Call for participation
Calligraphy by Barbara Galińska
The cals package: Multipage tables with decorations
Cambridge University Press
Camel: Kicking over the bibliographic traces in BibTeX
Can LaTeX profiles be rendered adequately with static CSS?
Can “\parfillskip=0pt” shorten a short paragraph in plain TeX by two lines?
The Canvas learning management system and LaTeXML
Carleton Production Centre
The Cary Graphic Arts Collection
The \CASE and \FIND macros
Case changing: From TeX primitives to the Unicode algorithm
Case changing: LaTeX reaches Unicode-land
A case for TeX in India—The Indian TeX Users Group
Case study: Typesetting old documents of Japan
Catching up to Unicode (#catchinguptounicode)
CDC Cyber Site Report
Chairman's report
Change bars
Change in TUGboat policy
Changing TeX?
Changing the font size in LaTeX
Chapter mottos and optional semi-parameters (#chaptermottosandoptionalsemiparameters)
Character encoding
Character set encoding
Charting the generation gulf
Charting your grammar with TeX
Chart: Output devices and computers
Charts: Output devices and computers
Charts: TeX output devices
Cheats (or not): When \prevdepth = -1000pt
Chemical formulae
Chemical notation using TeX (#chemicalnotationusingtex)
Chemistry in LaTeX2e—an overview of existing packages and possibilities
Cheryl Ponchin Training
Cheryl Ponchin Training; Carleton Production Centre; Design Science: MathType6
A chess font for TeX (#chessfontfortex)
Chess macros for chess games and puzzles (#chessmacrosforchessgamesandpuzzles)
Chess printing via Metafont and TeX (#chessprintingviametafontandtex)
Children of TeX
Chinese character synthesis using MetaPost
A Chinese meta-font
CIRC — A Package to Typeset Block Schematics
A Citation Style Language (CSL) workshop
The CJK package: Multilingual support beyond Babel
The Clarkson archive server—Update as of 1 May 1989
The Clarkson archive server—Update as of 22 September 1989
The Clarkson archive server—Update as of 26 January 1990
Classes, styles, conflicts: The biological realm of LaTeX
A closer look at TrueType fonts and pdfTeX
CMS TeX site report
CM-Super: Automatic creation of efficient Type 1 fonts from MF fonts
Collaborative LaTeX writing with Google Docs
Collecting memories of the beginnings of desktop publishing
Color book production using TeX
A color concept for HiTeX
Colorful emojis via Unicode and OpenType
Color pages
The colourful side of TeX
Colour separation and PS
Combining graphics with TeX on IBM PC-compatible systems and LaserJet printers
Combining graphics with TeX on PC systems with laser printers, part II
Combining LaTeX with Python
Comic: font or dog breed?
Comic: Fontzie
Comic: Prefixation
Comic: Punctuation headlines
(On second page of pdf.)
Comics: Disaster area; Fontains
Comics: Hyphe-nation; Clumsy
Comic: Space typography
Comics: Typeface; Elefonts
Comic: The history of Unicode
Comic: Typographic map Hyphe-nation
Coming in January from the AMS
Coming next issue
Comment on “TeX does windows”
A comment on The LaTeX column
Comments and suggestions about the Latin Modern fonts
Comments on document design prompted by the new TUGboat format
Comments on “Filenames for Fonts” (TUGboat 11#4) (#commentsonfilenamesforfontstugboat114)
Comments on quality in publishing
Comments on the comments: Typesetting Catalan texts with TeX
Comments on the format of this issue
Comments on the future of TeX and Metafont
Comments on the paper “Typesetting Catalan texts with TeX” (TUGboat 14(3), pp. 252–259)
The Commodore Amiga: A magic TeX machine
Compact matrix display
A comparative study of methods for bibliographies
Comparing TeX and traditional typesetting for the composition of a textbook
Comparison of OpTeX with other formats: LaTeX and ConTeXt
A complement to \smash, \llap, and \rlap (#complementtosmash,llap,andrlap)
Complete issue
A complex drawing in descriptive geometry
The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN)
Computer Aided Hyphenation for Italian and Modern Latin
Computer calligraphy (#computercalligraphy)
Computer Composition Corporation—Typesetting services
Computer graphics and TeX—a challenge
Computer Modern Roman fonts for ebooks
Computer Modern shape curiosities
Computer Modern Typefaces as Multiple Master Fonts (#computermoderntypefacesasmultiplemasterfonts)
Computers and Typesetting: Errata and Changes
A computer scientist self-publishing in the humanities
Computers & Typesetting coming out party
Computers & Typesetting: Errata, Supplement
Computers & Typesetting: Errata and Changes
Computers & Typesetting: Errata and Changes, Supplement
Computers & Typesetting: Errata and Changes (2 of 22 printed pages)
Computers & Typesetting: Errata and Changes; TUG Membership List Supplement
Computer typesetting or electronic publishing? New trends in scientific publication
Computing the area and winding number for a Bézier curve
ConcTeX: Generating a concordance from TeX input files
Concurrent use of interactive TeX previewer with an Emacs-type editor
Conference information
Conference Program
Conference program, delegates, and sponsors
Conference program and delegates (#conferenceprogramanddelegates)
Conference: TeX for Scientific Documentation
Conference: TeX for scientific documentation, Como, Italy, May 16–17, 1985
Confessions of a teenage TeX user
Configuring TeX or LaTeX for typesetting in several languages
Conserving implicit mathematical semantics in conversion between TeX and MathML
A constructed Dürer alphabet
Constructing circuit diagrams with pst-circ
Contemporary Hungarian types and designers
Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 15th February 1987
Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 15th May 1987
Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 15th September 1987
Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 16 January 1989
Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 19th June 1988
Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 24 September 1988 (#contentsoflatexstylecollectionasof24september1988)
Contents of LaTeX style collection as of 4th February 1988
Contents ordered by difficulty
Contents: Proceedings of “TeX for Scientific Documentation”, Strasbourg, France, June 19–21, 1986
ConTeXt, XML and TeX: State of the art?
ConTeXt basics for users: Conditional processing
ConTeXt basics for users: Font styles
ConTeXt basics for users: Images
ConTeXt basics for users: Indentation
ConTeXt basics for users: Paper setup
ConTeXt basics for users: Table macros
ConTeXt basics for users: Table macros II
ConTeXt for beginners
ConTeXt Group
ConTeXt in TeX Live 2023
ConTeXt: Just-in-time LuaTeX
ConTeXt MkIV: Going UTF
ConTeXt: Updating the code base
ConTeXt user meeting 2007: Epen, March 23–25
The continuing TUG membership drive
Continuous integration and TeX with Org-Mode
Contra-LaTeX, or what really works in the publishing world
Controlling AmigaTeX from CygnusEd
Convenient labelling of graphics, the WARMreader way
Conventional scoping of registers—An experiment in exTeX
A conversation with type designer Matthew Carter
A conversion of public Indic fonts from Metafont into Type 1 format with TeXtrace
Converting a LaTeX 2.09 style to a LaTeX2e class
Converting Metafont sources to outline fonts using MetaPost
Converting TeX from WEB to cweb
Converting Wikipedia articles to LaTeX
Coordination of non-English use of TeX
Correcting for italic corrections
Corrections for slanted stems in Metafont and MetaPost
Correction sheets in LaTeX
Corrigendum: Introduction to FasTeX: A system of keyboard shortcuts for the fast keying of TeX (TUGboat 16(4), pp. 358–363)
A course on Metafont programming
Courses to be held in conjunction with TUG93 (Aston University, Birmingham, U.K., 26–30 July 1993)
Cover, epigram, and table of contents (#cover,epigram,andtableofcontents)
Cowfont (koeieletters) update
CrafTeX: Applying TeX, MetaPost, and friends in crafts
Creating 3D animations with MetaPost
Creating accessible pdfs with LaTeX
Creating and automating exams with LaTeX & friends
Creating an efficient and workable PC interface for TeX
Creating annotated Unicode-like font charts
Creating a VPAT statement for TeX Live
Creating commented editions with LaTeX—the commedit package
Creating cuneiform fonts with MetaType1 and FontForge
Creating document commands: The good, the bad and the ugly
Creating labeled stand-alone figures in LaTeX using WARMreader and Adobe Illustrator under Mac OS X
Creating macros in OpTeX
Creating (mathematical) jigsaw puzzles using TeX and friends
Creating Math Web Documents (Workshop)
Creating shaded rectangles with PS
Creating Tufte-style bar charts and scatterplots using PGFPlots
Creating Type 1 fonts from MF sources: Comparison of tools, techniques and results
Creation and incorporation of PS graphics with TeX-formatted labels into TeX documents
Creation of a PostScript Type 1 logo font with MetaType1
Creation of LaTeX documents using a cloud-based pipeline
Croatian fonts
CrossTeX: A modern bibliography management tool
Crudetype: An adaptable device driver
\csname and \string
CSTUG, Charles University, Prague, March 1996—Questions and answers with Prof. Donald E. Knuth
CTAN CDROM series, compliments of DANTE
CTAN CDs: A 3-disk collection
CTAN for starters
CTAN goes 2.0—New community features and more
CTAN goes multi-lingual: Additional language support for the Web portal
The CTAN May 1999 CD ROM set by DANTE e.V. and Lehmanns bookstore
CTAN packages get keywords
CTAN plans (#ctanplans)
CTAN progress report
CTAN quiz
CTAN: Relaunch of the Web portal
A CTAN search page
The CTUstyle template for student theses
CurExt, typesetting variable-sized curved symbols
The current state of the PSTricks project
The current state of the PSTricks project, part II
The current state of things
Current typesetting position in pdfTeX
Curvature combs and harmonized paths in MetaPost
Customized editors for TeX
Custom legal documents for the IBM AutoLoan Exchange
CV formatting with CurVe
Cyklop: A new font family
Cyrillic alphabets
Cyrillic encodings for LaTeX2e multi-language documents
Cyrillic TeX files: Interplatform portability
DadTeX—A full Arabic interface
Daniel Taupin, 1936–2003
DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V.
DANTE—Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX
DANTE e.V. 2015 meeting reports
DANTE project funding of TeX servers
The dashundergaps package
Database publishing with Java and TeX
Data display, plots and graphs
Data General distribution news
Data General site report
Data mining: Role of TeX files
David C. Walden, 1942–2022
The dc fonts 1.3: Move towards stability and completeness
DDA methods in TeX
Debugging LaTeX files—Illegitimi non carborundum
Decorating CD-ROMs and DVDs
DECSystem-10/20 Implementation Workshop announcement
The DECUS TeX collection
DECUS TeX collection—submissions wanted
Dedication to Hermann Zapf, 1918–2015
Dednat6: An extensible (semi-)preprocessor for LuaLaTeX that understands diagrams in ASCII art
Default docstrip headers (#defaultdocstripheaders)
The description language chosen for FDNTeX (#descriptionlanguagechosenforfdntex)
Description of knowledge of mathematical programs with TeX and XML
Design by template in a production macro package
The design concept for llmk—Light LaTeX Make
Design decisions for a structured front end to LaTeX
Designing and producing a reference book with LaTeX: The Engineer's Quick Reference Handbook
Designing an implementation language for a TeX successor
Designing a special book: With both pleasure and … fear
High-resolution pdf.
Designing for low-res devices (#designingforlowresdevices)
Designing packages for Lambda: An overview
Design into 3D: A system for customizable project designs
Design of Oriental characters with Metafont
Design of presentations: Notes on principles and LaTeX implementation
The design of TeX and Metafont: A retrospective
The design of the HINT file format
Design Science, Inc.
Desktop Publishing in astronomy and space sciences, Strasbourg, 1–3 October 1991
Detailed specifications of procedures in the TeX/Pascal compilation unit, SYSDEP
Determining hashtable size and other quantities
Deutsche Kurzfassungen der TUGboat-Artikel
Developing a multi-windowing environment for research based on TeX
Developing a pop-up help facility for TeX on PCs
Developing database publishing systems using TeX
Developing interactive, Web-based courseware [Abstract] (#developinginteractive,webbasedcoursewareabstract)
Development of an e-textbook using LaTeX and PStricks
The url for the e-textbook has changed from that stated in the article.
The development of national LaTeX styles (#developmentofnationallatexstyles)
Development of the UK TeX FAQ
Device drivers included on the UNIX TeX distribution tape
A device-independent DVI interpreter library for various output devices (#deviceindependentdviinterpreterlibraryforvariousoutputdevices)
DG site report
Diabolic TeX
Diag: A drawing preprocessor for LaTeX
Diagnosing TeX errors with a preprocessor
Diagrams with TikZ: A practical example
Diagrams with TikZ: A practical example, part II
Diagxy, a Lego-like diagram package
Dialog with TeX
Dictionary formatting
Didactical reduction versus references: How to better teach LaTeX
Die TeXnische Komödie
Digital illumination
Digital typography in the new millennium: Flexible documents by a flexible engine
Digital typography with Hermann Zapf
Diglot typesetting
Direct and reverse synchronization with SyncTeX
A directory structure for TeX files (Version 0.999)
Disappearing digits; Undisciplined uppercase
Discovering graphics in LaTeX documents
Display of a font in table form
Distinguishing 8-bit characters and Japanese characters in (u)pTeX
Diversity in math fonts
Docbook In ConTeXt, a ConTeXt XML mapping for Docbook documents
DocCenter—TeXing 11 million documents a year
The doc–option
Document classes and packages in LaTeX2e
Documenting a TeX archive
Document Production: Visual or Logical?
Documents, compuscripts, programs and macros
The document style designer as a separate entity
DocVar: Manage and use document variables (#docvarmanageandusedocumentvariables)
docx2tex: Word 2007 to TeX
Does not suffice to run LaTeX a finite number of times to get cross-references right
Does TeX have a future?
Doing astronomical computations with TeX: Making agendas
Doing it my way: A lone TeXer in the real world
Do journals honor LaTeX submissions?
Donald E. Knuth Scholarship
The Donald E. Knuth Scholarship: 1993 Scholar and 1994 announcement
The Donald E. Knuth Scholarship for 1992
The Donald E. Knuth Scholarship for 1992 and 1993
Donald Knuth: All questions answered (University of Oslo, 30 August 2002)
Donald Knuth awarded Franklin Medal
Donald Knuth awarded Oxford degree
Don Knuth awarded Trotter Prize
Don Knuth finally sells out
Don't just \let TeX hang, \raise or \lower it
Dotex—integrating TeX into the X-window system
Dotted and dashed lines in Metafont (#dottedanddashedlinesinmetafont)
Do we need a `Cork' math font encoding?
Do we need a font system in TeX?
Download free fonts!
Drama scripts
dramatist: Another package for typesetting drama with LaTeX
drawdot in MetaPost: A bug, a fix
Drawing effective (and beautiful) graphs with TeX
Drawing graphs with MetaPost
Drawing histogram bars inside the LaTeX picture–environment
Drawing medical pedigree trees with TeX and PSTricks
Drawing Message Sequence Charts with LaTeX
Drawing structured diagrams with SDDL
Drawing tables: Graphic fun with LuaTeX
A dream of computing and LaTeXing together: A reality with SageTeX
Dual presentation with math from one source using GELLMU
The DuckBoat—Beginners' Pond: CDs, but not Compact Disks
The DuckBoat—Beginners' Pond: Crazy Little Thing Called Glue
The DuckBoat—Beginners' Pond: No more table nightmares with tabularray!
The DuckBoat—Beginners' Pond: Tcolorchat!
The DuckBoat—Beginners' Pond: You do not need to be Neo to cope with a TikZ matrix
The DuckBoat—News from TeX.SE: Asking effective questions
The DuckBoat—News from TeX.SE: Formatting posts
The DuckBoat—News from TeX.SE: Processing text files to get LaTeX tables
The DuckBoat—News from TeX.SE: The Morse code of TikZ
The Dutch national LaTeX effort
Dutch TeX Users Group
dvi2svg: Using LaTeX layout on the Web
dvi and eps: The ideal author-to-publisher interface?
DVI-based electronic publication
DVI-code to the Harris 7500
DVI driver considerations for high-volume printing systems
DVI driver standard, level 0
DVI driver standards committee
A .dvi file processing program
DVII: A TeX dvi file information utility
DVILASER/PS extensions to LaTeX
DVIPDF and Graphics
The DVIPDF Program
Dvi_QMS: An example of a driver
DVI specials for PDF generation
dvisvgm: Generating scalable vector graphics from DVI and EPS files
DVItoVDU 1.7 and PSPRINT 1.1
DVItoVDU 3.0 and PSPRINT 3.0
DVItoVDU: A TeX page previewer
Dynamic Arabic mathematical fonts (#dynamicarabicmathematicalfonts)
Dynamic documents
Dynamic reporting with R/Sweave and LaTeX
dynMath: A PostScript Type 3-based LaTeX package to support extensible mathematical symbols
dynMath: Underlying principles of the design
E16 & DEtool—typesetting language data using ConTeXt
The EAN barcodes by TeX
An Earthshaking Announcement
(The video has extra features.)
Easy colorblind-safe typesetting: General guidelines and a helpful LaTeX package
Easy periodic tables of elements with pgf-PeriodicTable
Easy Table
Easy Table, Khanh Ha
An easy way to make slides with LaTeX
Ebooks and paper sizes: Output routines made easier
E-books: Old wine in new bottles
Editing .dvi files, or Visual TeX
Editorial and Production Note (#editorialandproductionnote)
Editorial and production notes (#editorialandproductionnotes)
Editorial comments
COVID persists;
Changing of the guard: Robin Laakso retiring as TUG Executive Director;
Errata: TUGboat 44:2;
Errata: TUGboat 44:3;
The (effective) end of comp.text.tex;
New from Don Knuth;
More memories of Dave Walden;
Update on arXiv and HTML;
Chuck Bigelow on fonts;
A remarkable collection of printing blocks: the Tripitaka Koreana;
Food and fonts;
Interlude: Overfull \hboxes;
Errata, TUGboat 43:1
R.I.P. Walter Schmidt;
R.I.P. Chuck Geschke;
R.I.P. Rogério Brito;
Computers & Typesetting;
R.I.P. Bob Morris;
BaKoMa author has died;
J. W. Gibbs and why an annual lecture is named for him;
Jubilees to celebrate: Computers & Typesetting and 50 years of the ebook;
CTAN mirrors are now https;
Passings: Janusz Nowacki, Ed Benguiat, Ron Graham;
Our plague year;
Updike Award for Student Type Design;
TUG 2019 sponsors;
Kerning between lowercase+uppercase;
Differential “d”;
Bibliographic archives in BibTeX form
A memorial for SPQR;
Birthdays: Donald E. Knuth, Gudrun Zapf von Hesse;
Staszek Wawrykiewicz, RIP;
Goodbye Glisterings, hello Duckboat;
A new “dual” typeface: visible and touchable;
40 years ago …;
Hyphens, UK style
Contents of TUGboat issues online;
Birthday celebration for Donald Knuth;
Public appearances by Don Knuth (online);
The Doves Type: reprise;
The Go fonts go Greek;
Calcula, an experimental display typeface;
Extra Bold: A forgery foiled
*iTeX live!;
LaTeX video tutorials;
The Go fonts;
Metafont at 32;
From TUG'16, more from Joe Clark
Status of CTAN at Cambridge;
RIP Brian Housley;
TeX entomology;
An alternative to tangle and weave;
More Lucida fonts;
More from Chuck Bigelow about Lucida;
Erratum: “Online Publishing via pdf2htmlEX”, TUGboat 34:3;
Peter Flynn's Formatting Information updated;
Updike prize for student type design;
Talk by Matthew Carter;
This is the year for TeX bug reports;
Don Knuth in the news (again);
A new TeX calendar;
Compulsive Bodoni / the Parmigiano Typographic System;
Printing technology, old and new;
New printings of Computers & Typesetting;
Don Knuth, reprise;
An alternate view of CTAN;
Linotype: The Film;
EuroBachoTeX 2011;
150 years at the US Government Printing Office;
The raster tragedy
Opus 100;
BBVA award for Don Knuth;
Short takes;
Matthew Carter named MacArthur Fellow;
TeX at 25;
Pi Day;
The @ sign as a design icon;
Amusements on the Web;
Videos of typography talks on the Web;
Alphabet soup
TeX 3.1415926 is here, and other Knuthian references;
Phyllis Winkler, RIP;
New domain name for CervanTeX;
Interactive typography courses by Jonathan Hoefler;
A helpful CTAN feature: “get”;
Recreating the Gutenberg press;
A pledge of support;
Erratum: TUGboat 27:1 (EuroTeX proceedings);
A new Korean TeX Society;
LaTeX goes to the movies;
Some TUGboat staff changes
Chuck Bigelow goes to RIT;
DEK in the news again;
Corrigendum: TUGboat 21:2;
Mimi Burbank retires;
Old TUGboat issues go electronic;
CTAN announcement archives;
New TUGboat submission and posting policies;
Adieu, Daniel Taupin;
Don Knuth to Michael Downes;
Another honorary degree for DEK;
Help save the French Imprimerie nationale;
Avoid obsolescence: Guidelines for LaTeX users;
Hidden TeX use in Germany
TeX 3.141592, Metafont 2.71828;
Glitch in TUGboat 22:4;
Farewell, Michael Downes;
Last cartoon by Roy Preston;
A web site for Arabic typography;
Recognition for the Plantin Museum;
An alphabet game for children of all ages;
Making TeX Work on CTAN;
TeX for the Impatient
The status of TUGboat;
Glitches in TUGboat 22:1/2;
Zapfest exhibition, honoring Hermann Zapf;
Mordecai Richler font;
References for TeX and Friends;
Institut d'Histoire du Livre;
More historic books online at the British Library;
Web document analysis; The little tugboat that could
We're late ...;
CTAN and “The treasure chest”;
TeX Mexico User Group; Goodbye to Father Larguier;
Some places to learn more about books and printing;
5000 years of the written word;
The Gutenberg Bible online;
The dissertation;
Production of this issue, and acknowledgments
XyMTeX posted to CTAN;
Protection for font names in Germany;
Erratum: Address for CyrTeX mail;
History of TeX;
Computers & Typesetting remains in print;
A new printing museum near Boston;
Evolution of alphabets
On being a fossil;
Erratum: Mimi Jett's term of office;
Gutenberg: The man of the millennium;
Sebastian Rahtz leaves the TUGboat production team;
International news: Greek, Russian and Vietnamese groups;
Clarification of the CTAN “nonfree” classification;
The origin of the @ sign;
Communication by flags
Remembering Norman Naugle and Roswitha Graham;
New home for the UK TUG FAQ;
TUGboat authors' rights;
Home site for ConTeXt;
Credit where credit is due;
The growing Russian TeX library;
A new feature: Cartoons by Roy Preston
New book by Don Knuth;
eTeX news;
Patent for style sheets in electronic publishing for Microsoft;
New LaTeX Project Public License;
New goodies on CTAN;
Welcome to CervanTeX;
Electronic TUGboat
TUG election;
Copyright protection for typefaces;
More on PS fonts;
CyrTUG membership now free of charge;
IBM's techexplorer;
New Omega for Mac;
Fonts are ruled copyrightable in the U.S.;
MathML becomes a W3C Proposed Recommendation;
“ whois” service for TUG members;
TeX Live; A TTN revival;
New SGML extensions: MathML, XML;
Another kind of tugboat calendar;
Update to PSTricks;
A historical perspective;
The Kyoto Prize for Knuth;
Recommended reading: Why things bite back;
Why does a lion represent TeX?
DEK on tour;
TUGboat: the year ahead
A day at a small press book fair;
Sources of information on printing and book arts on the Web;
A TeX Users Group for Spanish speakers;
A brief comment on the merger of TUGboat and TeX and TUG News
Apology to our readers;
Old faces, new faces;
MetaPost goes public
TeX meetings in 1994;
A new, expanded TeX FAQ;
UKTeX Digest ceases to exist;
Miscellaneous gossip
“LaTeX2e” is now just “LaTeX”;
New CTAN features;
Northwest Computing Support Center closed;
TeX output in audible form
TUGboat wish list;
Another award for DEK;
New magazine on type and typography;
Hyphenation and exceptions
Reminder to potential TUGboat authors;
Call for volunteers
TeX 3.1415, Metafont 2.71 on the way;
LaTeX2e coming in October;
Annual meeting at Aston University;
Erratum: British hyphenation
TeX: the past …;
… and the future;
TUG: the present;
New ideas in typography
Another honor for Donald Knuth;
Journals accepting TeX input;
The new membership list;
TUGboat production notes
Cathy Booth, a remembrance;
Sam Whidden, a remembrance;
Trip report: EuroTeX, GUTenberg'91;
Newsletter news;
TUGboat items in electronic archives;
TUG Resource Directory;
This year's “meeting season”;
TUGboat News;
The dues increase and number of issues
Comings and goings;
TeX news;
Updates to items in TUGboat 10#1, and a suggestion to authors;
The TUGboat schedule;
TeX news;
Editorial Comments—A TUG'98 trip report (#editorialcommentsatug98tripreport)
Editorial Comments—TUG 2000 (#editorialcommentstug2000)
Editorial: EncTeX, by Petr Olšák
Editorial Information
Editorial remarks (#editorialremarks)
Editor's commentary
Editor's Comments (#editorscomments)
Editor's introduction
Editor's message
Editor's remarks
ednotes—critical edition typesetting with LaTeX (#ednotescriticaleditiontypesettingwithlatex)
The EduTeX TUG working group
Electronic news from the family
The elementary Particle Entity Notation (PEN) scheme (#elementaryparticleentitynotationpenscheme)
Elementary text processing and parsing in TeX— the appreciation of tokens —
An Emacs-based writing workflow inspired by TeX and WEB, targeting the Web
Embedding fonts in MetaPost output
Empowerment and teaching LaTeX
Enabling Web access to a database of calculus problems using LaTeX, PHP and LaTeX2HTML
EncTeX—A little extension of TeX
Enhanced font features for future multilingual digital typography with sound-script-language attribute integration
An enhanced TeX-editor interface for VMS
Enhancements of VAX/VMS TeX at Calma
Enhancements to TeX on the VAX
Enhancing accessibility of structured information via `Tagged PDF'
Enhancing LaTeX to automatically produce tagged and accessible PDF
Enhancing TeX hyphenation rules for Portuguese
Enjoying babel
Entry-level MetaPost 2: Move it
Entry-level MetaPost 3: Color
Entry-level MetaPost 4: Artful lines
Entry-level MetaPost: On the grid
Enumerations as an interesting form of text appearance
An environment for multicolumn output (#environmentformulticolumnoutput)
Environment for translating Metafont to PS (#environmentfortranslatingmetafonttops)
eOmega: A step towards the future with a look at the past
ePiX: A utility for creating mathematically accurate figures
Eplain 3: Expanded plain TeX
Epspdf: Easy conversion between PostScript and PDF
Equation numbering in plain TeX
e-Readers and LaTeX
Errata: Literate Programming, A Practitioner's View, Issue 13(3), pp. 261–268
Erratum: Amsterdam, 13 March 1996 — Knuth meets NTG members, TUGboat 17(4), pp. 342–355
Erratum: Chess printing via Metafont and TeX, TUGboat Vol. 10, No. 2
Erratum: High quality labels on included graphics, using Xy-pic, TUGboat 18(3), pp. 151–158
Erratum: NOFILL program
Erratum: Oral TeX, TUGboat 12(2), pp. 272–276
Erratum: “See also” indexing with Makeindex, TUGboat 12(2), p. 290 (#erratumseealsoindexingwithmakeindex,tugboat122,p290)
Erratum: The format of TeX's DVI files
Erratum: The new versions of TeX and Metafont, TUGboat vol. 10, no. 3
Erratum: Typesetting Concrete Mathematics, TUGboat Vol. 10, No. 1
Error detecting changes to TANGLE
The esami package for examinations (#esamipackageforexaminations)
Essential NFSS2
ET—a TeX-compatible editor for MSDOS computers
E-TeX: Guidelines for future TeX
E-TeX: Guidelines for future TeX extensions—revisited
ε-TeX & NTS: A progress report
eTeX V2: a peek into the future
Ethique et edition scientifique d'ouvrages anciens sur support electronique
Euclidean geometry with tkz-elements and tkz-euclide
Eukleides: A geometry drawing language
Euler-VM: Generic math fonts for use with LaTeX
EuroBachoTeX 2007
EuroBachoTeX 2007 announcement
EuroBachoTeX 2007: Paths to the Future
European bibliography styles and MlBibTeX
The European Modern fonts (#europeanmodernfonts)
Evaluation of K-talk
Even more MetaFun with MetaPost: A request for permission
Every LaTeX document brings new programming issues
Everything we want to know about Font Resources
Evolutionary changes in Persian and Arabic scripts to accommodate the printing press, typewriting, and computerized word processing
The exact placement of superscripts and subscripts
An example of a special purpose input language to LaTeX
execJS: A new technique for introducing discardable JavaScript into a PDF file from a LaTeX source
Executing TeX in Lua: Coroutines
Exercises for TeX: The Program
Exeter University: TeX88, 18–20 July 1988
The exotic Croatian Glagolitic alphabet (#exoticcroatianglagoliticalphabet)
\expandafter in conditionals; a generalization of PLAIN's \loop
Expanding hyphenation patterns across Slavic languages
An expansion power lemma
An experience of trying to submit a paper in LaTeX in an XML-first world
Experiences and lessons learned teaching LaTeX to university students
Experiences converting from PDF-only to paper
Experiences typesetting mathematical physics
Experiences with Arabic font development
Experiences with micro-typographic extensions of pdfTeX in practice
Experiences with notes, references, and bibliographies
Experience with OpenType Font Production
An experimental CTAN upload process
Experiments in TeXnicolour—A SliTeX sub-style for Colour Printers
Experiments with \parfillskip
Experiments with TeX and hyperactivity
Exploiting rich fonts
An exploration of the Latin Modern fonts
Exploring \romannumeral and expansion
Exporting XML and ePub from ConTeXt
Extended equation numbering in Plain TeX
Extended TeX font encoding scheme—Latin, Cork, September 12, 1990
Extending MetaPost: Response to “Even more MetaFun”
Extending Peter Flynn's bookshelf package for multilanguage libraries
Extending primitive coverage across engines
Extending TeX and Metafont with floating-point arithmetic
Extending TeX for Unicode
An extension of the LaTeX theorem environment (#extensionofthelatextheoremenvironment)
Extracting information from (La)TeX source files
Extra! Extra! TUGboat becomes a quarterly
Eye charts in focus: The magic of optotypes
Face/Interface 2023 conference: Global type design and human-computer interaction
Fácil TeX
Appendix A
Facts and Figures
Farewell Hermann Zapf
FarsiTeX and the Iranian TeX community (#farsitexandtheiraniantexcommunity)
Fast and secure multiple-option tests
Fast regression testing of TeX packages: Multiprocessing and batching
Fast scanners and self-parsing in TeX (#fastscannersandselfparsingintex)
Father Truchet, the typographic point, the Romain du roi, and tilings
FEATPOST and a review of 3D METAPOST packages
Features for a WYSIWYG LaTeX editor
Feedback from TeX users at Lockheed
Fetamont: An extended logo typeface
The fewerfloatpages package
FIFO and LIFO sing the BLUes
File extensions (cartoon)
Filenames for fonts
(Subsequently maintained online.)
Final report of the Bylaws Committee
Final report: TeXNortheast
Financial statement, 2000
Financial statements for 2001 and 2002
Financial statements for 2003
Financial statements for 2004
Financial statements for 2005
Financial statements for 2006
Fine typesetting with TeX using native Autologic fonts
First applications of Omega: Adobe Poetica, Arabic, Greek, Khmer (#firstapplicationsofomegaadobepoetica,arabic,greek,khmer)
The first Dutch TeX days
First line of paragraph
First line special handling with TeX
A first look at the TeX Gyre fonts
First principles of typographic design for document production
First principles of typographic design for document production: Corrigenda
A first set of LaTeX packages
The “Five Cs”: A guide to successful publication using TeX
Five years after: Report on international TeX font projects (#fiveyearsafterreportoninternationaltexfontprojects)
Fixed-point glue setting—an example of WEB
Fixed-point glue setting: Errata
Fixes to known bugs in TeX370
Floating figures at the right, and Some random text for testing
Floating point numbers and Metafont, MetaPost, TeX, and PostScript Type 1 fonts
The floating world (#floatingworld)
FoilTeX, a LaTeX-like system for typesetting foils
A font and a style for typesetting chess using LaTeX or TeX
Font codes in popular use
Font creation with FontForge
Font development at the AMS (#fontdevelopmentattheams)
Font Forum
Font identification
Font installation: Agfa/Eaglefeather to Linotype Zapfino
Font installation the shallow way
Font loading in LaTeX using the fontspec package: Recent updates
Font news (#fontnews)
Fonts and PS
Font selection in LaTeX: The most frequently asked questions
Fonts! Fonts! Fonts!
Fonts for Africa: The fc-fonts
Fonts for digital halftones
Fonts for every language: SIL's font projects and the Open Font License
Font-specific issues in pdfTeX
The fonts we choose
Font update (#fontupdate)
Font verification and comparison in examples
A footnote about `Oh, oh, zero'
Footnotes in a multi-column layout (#footnotesinamulticolumnlayout)
Form, pattern & texture in the typographic image
A format compilation framework for European languages
The format of PXL files
The format of TeX's DVI files
The format of TeX's DVI files, Version 1
Formatting a book with TeX: Experiences and observations
Formatting documents with floats: A new algorithm for LaTeX2e (#formattingdocumentswithfloatsanewalgorithmforlatex2e)
Formatting font formats
Formatting information: A beginner's introduction to typesetting with LaTeX
(as printed in this TUGboat)
Formatting mesostic poems à la John Cage
Form letter macros
Form letters
Form letters with 3-across labels capability
A Fortran version of Metafont
Forward references and the ultimate dirty trick
fpTeX: A teTeX-based distribution for Windows
Fractal images with TeX
“Free” TeX software for IBM PCs
FreeType_MF_Module2: Integration of Metafont, GF, and PK inside FreeType (#freetypemfmodule2integrationofmetafont,gf,andpkinsidefreetype)
FreeType_MF_Module: A module for using Metafont directly inside the FreeType rasterizer (#freetypemfmoduleamoduleforusingmetafontdirectlyinsidethefreetyperasterizer)
The free UCS outline fonts project—An attempt to create a global font
French in TeX
The french package on and off CTAN
French typographic patrimony, conservation and teaching
From distribution to preservation of digital documents
From drawn to filled paths
From Logo to MetaPost
From Lua 5.2 to 5.3
From \newcommand to \DocumentNewCommand with xparse
From observation to publication
From PostScript to PDF with epstopdf, pdftricks, pst-pdf, auto-pst-pdf, pst2pdf, and more
From RTF to XML to LaTeX
From SGML to HTML with help from TeX
From TeX to LaTeX (#fromtextolatex)
From the Board of Directors
From the Editor
From the past President and Annual Meeting host
From the President
In memoriam: Helmut Kopka, Eitan Gurari
From the Vice-President
Front cover
FTL systems Inc.—TeX for the Macintosh
Fujitsu ports TeX 1.0 onto M-series
Full Cyrillic: How many languages?
Full spectrum litigator: A TeX-themed workflow for a small litigation law firm
Functions and expl3
Further faces (#furtherfaces)
A future for TeX
Future issues
The future of AmiWeb2c
The Future of LaTeX
The future of publishing, Part 2
The future of technical documentation starts with its recent past
The future of TeX
The future of TeX and Metafont
The future of TeX and TUG
Galleys, space, and automata
GELLMU: A bridge for authors from LaTeX to XML
General Delivery
Generate TeX documents using pdfscript
Generating an APL font (#generatinganaplfont)
Generating barcodes with LuaTeX
Generating LaTeX documents through Matlab
Generating multiple outputs from Omega
Generating \n asterisks
Generating PDF for e-reader devices
Generating PDF/X- and PDF/A-compliant PDFs with pdfTeX—pdfx.sty
Generating TeX from mathematical content with respect to notational settings
Generating Type 1 fonts from Metafont sources
Generic font file format
A gentle introduction to PythonTeX
Geometric diagrams in LaTeX
Geometric diversions with TeX, MF and MP
Georgian scripts
German hyphenation and Umlauts in TeX
German TeX
German TeX, a next step
Getting \answers in TeX
Getting started with plasTeX
Getting TeXnical: Insights into TeX macro writing techniques
Giving it away
A glance at CJK support with XeTeX and LuaTeX
Glisterings: Address lists; animated books
The mentioned file
Glisterings: Assemblies; Table talk
Adding to a macro; Piecing a paragraph; Splitting a column
Glisterings: Checking for an optional argument; String comparisons
Glisterings: Counting; changing the layout
Glisterings: Cutout windows
Glisterings: Empty arguments; the usefulness of nothing; picking characters
Empty arguments; Clear to even page; Capitalizing first characters
Glisterings: Fonts
a font of fleurons; fonts, GNU/Linux, and XeTeX; mixing traditional and system fonts
Glisterings: Framing; new frames
Glisterings: Glyphs; long labels
Asterism; Raising a character; Boxing a glyph; Glyph widths; Font size; Long labels
Glisterings: Hanging; safety in numbers
Overhangs; Paragraphs in equations; Superstitious enumerations
Glisterings: Here or there; parallel texts; abort the compilation
using the correct margin, and more
Glisterings: Index headers; numerations; real number comparison
Fancy headers with marks; Automatic numbering; Comparing real numbers
Glisterings: Lining up
Ruling off; Marginal rules; Preventing an awkward page break; Not at a page break; Line backing; Linespacing
Glisterings: Longest string; marching along; a blank argument; a centered table of contents
even/odd arguments, list indexing, memoir toc typesetting, and more
Glisterings: Meandering miniature books
Glisterings: More on paragraphs regular; LaTeX's defining triumvirate; TeX's dictator
Glisterings: Ornaments with the Web-O-Mints font
Glisterings: Package/package and class/package clashes
handling command name conflicts
Glisterings: Paragraphs regular; paragraphs particular; paragraphs Russian
Glisterings: Reading lines; paragraph endings; in conclusion
Reading external files; Paragraph final lines; Concluding the Glisterings
Glisterings: Repetition; verbatims; small pages; prefixing section heads
Glisterings: Reprise; pdfLaTeX and MetaPost; Spidrons
Glisterings: Reprise; repetition; rectangular text
Glisterings: Stringing along; loops
Glisterings: Tick boxes; Blanks, dashes and rules; Forms; Readers' input
Glisterings: Timelines; parsing a filename
Glisterings: Verbatim arguments; truncating long text
Glossaries with bib2gls
The gmdoc bundle—a new tool for documenting (La)TeX sources
GMOA, the `General Manipulation Of Arguments': An extension to the l3expan package of the expl3 bundle and language
GMS, the “General Meta-Scenarios”: A proper extension to the l3expan package of the expl3 bundle and language, two years later
gmverse and gmcontinuo—some nontrivial placement of text on a page
GNU Emacs and AUCTeX on Windows and macOS for the rest of us
GNU emacs as a front end to LaTeX
A GNU Emacs editing mode for Metafont and MetaPost sources
The gods smile at me: The LaTeX Companion, Third Edition, and ChatGPT
The good name of TeX
The good name of TeX (TUGboat 20(2), p. 93)
Good things come in little packages: An introduction to writing .ins and .dtx files
gradstudentresume: A document class for graduate student CVs
Graham Williams' TeX Catalogue
Grapevine reports of inexpensive versions of TeX
A graphical ellipse envelope construction with GNU 3DLDF
A graphic driver to interface statistical software S and PiCTeX
Graphics and TeX—A reappraisal of Metafont/MetaPost/PS
Graphics commands for TeX—Discussion in TeXhax conference
Graphics in LaTeX using TikZ
Graphics with PGF and TikZ
Grapholinguistics, TeX, and a June 2020 conference
Gray fonts for Metafont proofs
The Greek Font Society
Greetings from the Editor
Guidelines for creating portable Metafont code
Guide to LaTeX, 4th edition, by Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly
GUST e-foundry current font projects
GUST e-foundry font projects (#gustefoundryfontprojects)
GUST e-foundry font projects, closing report 2019–2020
GUST: EuroBachoTeX 2013
GUST: EuroBachoTeX 2014
The GUST Font License: An application of the LaTeX Project Public License
GUTenberg2000—LaTeX and XML: Cooperating with the Internet
GUTenberg'90, 15–17 May 1990, Toulouse, France
GUTenberg'92, Les Diablarets, Switzerland
GUTenberg Congrès: TeX et les graphiques, Paris, 16–17 May 1989
GUTenberg meeting report
GUTenberg will distribute MLTeX
Hacker's Guide to AmSFonts and NFSS in the Context of LaTeX
Hacking DVI files: Birth of DVIasm
Halftone output from TeX
Handling math: A retrospective
Handmade paper: A mixture of handcraft, art and fun
A handy little font (#handylittlefont)
Hanging punctuation
Harnessing TeX to compute third root of unity primes
Hebrew letter (with source)
Helmut Kopka, 1932–2009
Hendrik Vervliet: 1923–2020
"Hey—it works!"
Decimal comma
Two decimal digits
Number of parameter tokens (Pedro Palao Gostanza)
Ornamental boxes
Switchable marginal notes (Jeremy Gibbons)
Smoothing augmented paths in MetaPost (Andreas Scherer)
Every point a period (Ramón Casares)
Controlling abbreviations in BibTeX (Jeroen H. B. Nijhof)
A small minus sign (Jeremy Gibbons)
Ornamental rules (Christina Thiele)
Smart spaced macros everywhere (Robert Tolksdorf)
Dashed lines (Pedro J. Aphalo)
Double-headed arrows (Jeremy Gibbons)
Determining the page range of a document (Paul Hafner)
Text italics in maths mode (Jeremy Gibbons)
Anti-appending rule (Ramón Casares)
Closed surface integral (Donald Arseneau)
Removing a counter from a reset list (Donald Arseneau)
Default rule thickness (Ramón Casares)
Small verbatim material (Jeremy Gibbons)
Long division (Barbara Beeton and Donald Arseneau)
Side-by-side figures (Christina Thiele)
Enumerated arrays (Dennis Kletzing)
Highlighting in the LaTeX picture environment
Highlights of the Practical TeX 2004 conference
Highlights of TUG 2005
A high performance TeX for the Motorola 68000 processor family
High quality labels on included graphics, using Xy-pic
High quality printing of TeX DVI output files in the VAX/VMS environment
“Hinting” of scalable outline fonts
The HINT Project: Status and open questions
HINT: Reflowing TeX output
Historical review of TeX3
History of accidentals in music
History of cookbooks
HI-TeX cutting & pasting
The hletter class and style for producing flexible letters and page headings
Holon programming regained
Hóng-Zì: A Chinese Metafont (#hongziachinesemetafont)
A (hopefully) final extension of multilingual TêX
Horrors in LaTeX: How to misuse LaTeX and make a copy editor unhappy
How (La)TeX changed the face of mathematics: An E-interview with Leslie Lamport, the author of LaTeX
How TeX changed my life
How to avoid writing long records to TeX's \write streams
How to build a \strut
How to change the layout with LaTeX 2.09
How to combine multiple languages, PS, and LaTeX
How to create a TeX Journal: A personal journey
How to create quality interactive PDF documents for the WWW using LaTeX
How to develop your own document class—our experience
How to get the latest news via TeXhax
How to improve the chances for acceptance of your scientific paper
How to influence the position of float environments like figure and table in LaTeX?
How to keep your sanity when preparing a transcript of an online interview for publication
How to make a foreign language pattern file: Romanian
How to make a product catalogue that doesn't look like a dissertation
How to MANGLE your software: The WEB system for Modula-2
How to obtain TeX82 on tape
How to prepare a file for publication in TUGboat
How to run TeX in a French environment: Hyphenation, fonts, typography
How to set up and maintain a TeX system
How to tame your phototypesetter by TeX
How to use basic color models in LaTeX
HP3000 site report
The HP TeX macros
An HTML/CSS schema for TeX primitives— generating high-quality responsive HTML from generic TeX
HTML & TeX: Making them sweat (#htmltexmakingthemsweat)
HTML to LaTeX transformation
Hug The Lion!
The Hungarian TeX Rhapsody—EuroTeX 2006
H.W. Caslon & Co. Ltd
The Hyperlatex story (#hyperlatexstory)
Hypertext capabilities with pdfLaTeX (#hypertextcapabilitieswithpdflatex)
Hyphenation exception log
Hyphenation Exception Log—Update
Hyphenation in TeX and elsewhere, past and future
Hyphenation in TeX — Quo Vadis?
Hyphenation languages in LuaTeX 0.90
Hyphenation of Italian words
Hyphenation on demand
Hyphenation patterns for ancient and modern Greek
Hyphenation patterns for ancient Greek and Latin
Hyphenation patterns for minority languages
Hyphenation patterns in ConTeXt
Hyphenation patterns: Licensing and stability
IBM site report
IBM techexplorer
IBM VM/CMS site report
Icons for TeX and Metafont
An idea exchange on TeX training
The ideal TeX driver
Identifying glyphs in some 16th century fonts: Hochfeder's font no. 2, a case study
IdxTeX and GloTeX—indexes and glossaries (#idxtexandglotexindexesandglossaries)
The \if, \fx and \ifcat comparisons
i-Installer: The evolution of a TeX install on MacOSX
illumino: An XML document production system with a TeX core
Illustrating finite automata with Grail+ and TikZ
Imagen (Canon LBP-10)
Imagen Corporation—Intelligent page printer systems
An implementation report for the Univac 1100
Implementation tricks in the Hungarian babel module
Implementing bioinformatics algorithms in TeX—the Gotoh package, a case study
Implementing dynamic cross-referencing and PDF with PreTeX
Implementing editors' ideas—lots of fun, sometimes even more trouble
Implementing key–value input: An introduction (#implementingkeyvalueinputanintroduction)
Implementing PDF standards for mathematical publishing
Implementing the extended TeX layout using PS fonts
Important message regarding CM fonts
Impressions from EuroTeX 2006
Impressions of PracTeX'05
An improved chess font (#improvedchessfont)
Improvements to the generalized mediation macros in The Metafontbook
Improving Hangul to English translation for optical character recognition (OCR)
Improving margin paragraphs
Improving TeX's Typeset Layout (#improvingtexstypesetlayout)
Improving the æsthetics of mixed-font documents
Improving the representation and conversion of mathematical formulae by considering the textual context
The inaugural meeting of TUG India
Including Macintosh graphics in LaTeX documents
Including PDF files
Inconsolata unified
Increased efficiency using advanced EDT editing features
The incredible tale of the author who didn't want to do the publisher's job, …
An indentation scheme
An indexing facility for TeX
Appendix A
Indexing: Goals, strategies and tactics
Index of advertisers
Index to sample output from various devices
Indica, an Indic preprocessor for TeX: A Sinhalese TeX system (#indica,anindicpreprocessorfortexasinhalesetexsystem)
An Indic TeX preprocessor—Sinhalese TeX
Indic typesetting—Challenges and opportunities
An informal interchange format for TeX files
An informal look into the history of digital typography
Dave's full article; comments welcome.
Informal TUG session
Infrastructure for high-quality Arabic typesetting
Initiation rites
In memoriam
In memoriam: Hermann Zapf, Richard Southall, Thomas Koch.
Another memoriam to Zapf, by Jerry Kelly, was published in Visible
In memoriam: Barry Smith (1953–2012)
In memoriam Bernard Gaulle (#inmemoriambernardgaulle)
In memoriam Jean-Pierre Drucbert
In memoriam: Jean-Pierre Drucbert (1947–2009)
In memoriam: Staszek Wawrykiewicz (1953–2018)
In memoriam: Tony Siegman, 1931–2011
Input-dependent macro redefinition
Input-dependent macro redefinition (from Mike Spivak)
Inquiry: 35mm slides with SliTeX
Inquiry: Historical compilations
In response to Kaihsu Tai
In response to “mathematical formulæ”
INRIA course: Structures for Documents, Aussois, France, January 19–23, 1987
Inserting external figures with GraphicP
Inserts in a multiple-column format
Inside back cover: TUG 2004 (#insidebackcovertug2004)
Inside front cover
Inside PSTricks
The inside story of life at Wiley with SGML, LaTeX and Acrobat (#insidestoryoflifeatwileywithsgml,latexandacrobat)
Inside Type & Set
The installation and use of OpenType fonts in LaTeX
Installing ConTeXt expert fonts: Minion Pro
Installing TeX Live 2010 on Ubuntu
Installing TeXshop
Instant Preview and the TeX daemon
Institutional Members
Instructions for submitting TUGboat articles on magnetic tape
Instructors wanted for TUG courses
Integrated system for encyclopaedia typesetting based on TeX
Integrating Git information into LaTeX documents: gitinfo-lua
Integrating TeX into a document imaging system
Integrating Unicode and OpenType math in ConTeXt
Integration of graphics into TeX
Integration of TeX and graphics at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Interacting pdfTeX, Perl and ConTeXt
Interactive and real-time typesetting for demonstration and experimentation: ETAP
Interactive content using TeX4ht
(Source for article with the sample invocations.)
Interactive editing of MathML markup using TeX syntax
interactiveworkbook: LaTeX-based interactive PDF on the Web
Interesting loops and iterations—second helping
Intergraph Corporation
International Conference on Text Processing and Document Manipulation, Nottingham, England, April 14–16, 1986
International LaTeX is ready to use
International Phonetic Alphabet
International Reports
International Standards and TeX
Intertextualite et typographie numerique—considerations semantiques sur le livre electronique
Interview: Donald E. Knuth
Interview: Michael Sharpe
Interview with Amelia Hugill-Fontanel
Interview with Boris Veytsman, scientist, TeX programmer and current TUG President
Interview with Charles Bigelow
Interview with Donald E. Knuth
An interview with Donald Knuth, November 1991
Interview with Federico Garcia-De Castro
Interview with Frank Mittelbach, leader of the LaTeX Project
Interview with Javier Bezos
Interview with John Hammersley, CEO of Overleaf
Interview with John Lees-Miller, CTO of Overleaf
Interview with Kris Holmes
Interview with Norbert Preining, mainstay of TeX Live and much more
Interview with Pavneet Arora
Interview with Philip Kime
Interview with Scott Pakin
Introducing Donald Knuth and Computers & Typesetting
Introducing LaTeX Base
Introducing LaTeX users to XSL-FO
Introducing MetaPost
Introducing new French-speaking users to LaTeX quickly and convincingly
Introducing the PT Sans and PT Serif typefaces
An introduction to automata design with TikZ's automata library
Introduction to colours in ConTeXt MkIV
An introduction to expl3
Introduction to FasTeX: A system of keyboard shortcuts for the fast keying of TeX
An introduction to GNU 3DLDF
Introduction to list structures in LaTeX
Introduction to Metafont
Introduction to MetaPost
An introduction to nomography: Garrigues' nomogram for the computation of Easter
Introduction to pdfTeX
Introduction to presentations with beamer
Introduction to TeX and TUG for new users
An introduction to the LaTeX cross-referencing system
Introductory LaTeX workshop, en français (#introductorylatexworkshop,enfrancais)
Invisibility using virtual fonts
IoT theatre presents: The Tempest
The Irish alphabet
Is a given input a valid TeX ⟨dimen⟩?
Is a given input a valid TeX ⟨number⟩?
The Island of TeX: Developing abroad, your next destination
Is TeX obsolete?
iTeX—Document formatting in an ereader world
iTeXMac, an integrated TeX environment for Mac OSX
iTeXMac: An integrated TeX environment for Mac OSX
It happened: Announcement of TeX 2.1
The IVRITEX Mailing List
JabRef: BibTeX-based literature management software
Japanese TeX Users Group
Java and TeX
JemTeX 2.00 available for Japanese
Joe Hogg
Joseph's Adventures in Unicodeland
The joy of \csname...\endcsname
The joy of TeX2PDF—Acrobatics with an alternative to DVI format
Just give me a lollipop (it makes my heart go giddy-up)
Just plain Q&A
Just plain Q&A: Of partitioned matrices and doublespacing
Just Published: TeX Reference Manual by David Bausum
Kanji-Sudokus: Integrating Chinese and graphics
The Kerkis font family
Keynote: TeX and the Web in the higher education of the future: Dreams and difficulties
A key/value interface for generating LaTeX floats —the keyfloat package
Key–value setting handling in the LaTeX kernel
Keyword scanning
The Khmer script tamed by the Lion (of TeX)
Kissing circles: A French romance in MetaPost
Knuth Scholarship winner
Knuth's profiler adapted to the VMS operating system
KöMaL CD—The execution
KOMA-Script comes of age
l3build—A modern Lua test suite for TeX programming
l3build: The beginner's guide
Labelled diagrams in Metafont
Labelling figures in TeX documents
La Lettre GUTenberg: 41–44 (2020–2021)
La Lettre GUTenberg: issue 45 (2022)
La Lettre GUTenberg: issue 50 (2023)
La Lettre GUTenberg: issue 51 (2023)
La Lettre GUTenberg: issue 52 (2024)
La Lettre GUTenberg: issue 53 (2024)
La Lettre GUTenberg: issues 47–49 (2022)
“La machine à formulaires” (the forms' machine), or TeX for a Kafkaian world
The land of the free and the near free
Language-dependent ligatures
Language information in structured documents: A model for mark-up and rendering
The language mix
Languages for bibliography styles
Lapses in TeX—a look backward
A large-scale format compliance checker for TeX Font Metrics
The last decade at GUTenberg
Late-Breaking News
The latest developments in Ω
LaTeX, dvips, EPS and the Web …
(La)TeX, genealogy, and the LifeLines software
LaTeX, hypertext and PDF, or the entry of TeX into the world of hypertext (#latex,hypertextandpdf,ortheentryoftexintotheworldofhypertext)
LaTeX, SVG, fonts
LaTeX 2.09 ↔ LaTeX3 (#latex209latex3)
LaTeX 2.10
LaTeX2e, pict2e and complex numbers
LaTeX2e update, dateline: 31 January 1994
latex2nemeth: A direct LaTeX-to-Braille transcribing tool
LaTeX2Nemeth and the amsmath package
LaTeX3 news
LaTeX3 news, issue 10, November 2016
LaTeX3 news, issue 11, February 2018
LaTeX3 news, issue 12, January 2020
LaTeX3 news, issue 3
LaTeX3 news, issue 4
LaTeX3 news, issue 5
LaTeX3 news, issue 8
LaTeX3 news, issue 9
LaTeX3 news, issues 1–2
LaTeX3 news, issues 6–7
LaTeX3 programming: External perspectives
The LaTeX3 Programming Language—a proposed system for TeX macro programming (#latex3programminglanguageaproposedsystemfortexmacroprogramming)
The LaTeX3 Project
LaTeX3 update
A LaTeX addition for formatting indexes
LaTeX and graphics: Basics and packages
LaTeX and Jupyter, TikZ and Vega
LaTeX and the different bibliography styles (#latexandthedifferentbibliographystyles)
LaTeX and the personal database (#latexandthepersonaldatabase)
LaTeX anniversaries—A look in two directions
LaTeX as a tool for the typographic reproduction of ancient texts
LaTeX at a liberal arts college
LaTeX at Distributed Proofreaders and the electronic preservation of mathematical literature at Project Gutenberg
A LaTeX-based ecosystem for semantic/active mathematical documents
LaTeX bugs
LaTeX classes for doctoral theses in Ukraine: Interesting tips and painful problems
LaTeX class writing for wizard apprentices
The LaTeX column
LaTeX command summary (Version 2.05) available from TUG
The LaTeX Companion, 2nd edition, by Frank Mittelbach et al.
The LaTeX Companion, second edition, by Frank Mittelbach et al.
LaTeX conversion into normalized forms and speech
LaTeX course book in Dutch
LaTeX document class options
A LaTeX document style option for typesetting APL (#latexdocumentstyleoptionfortypesettingapl)
A LaTeX fledgling struggles to take flight
LaTeX fonts and suggested magnifications (#latexfontsandsuggestedmagnifications)
LaTeX for academics and researchers who (think they) don't need it
LaTeX for Windows: A user's perspective
LaTeX in 3D: Annotations for OpenDX
LaTeX input to ACM journals
LaTeX in the Digital Humanities
LaTeX memos and letters
LaTeX News
LaTeX News, Issue 10, December 1998 (#latexnews,issue10,december1998)
LaTeX News, Issue 12, December 1999 (#latexnews,issue12,december1999)
LaTeX News, Issue 13, June 2000 (#latexnews,issue13,june2000)
LaTeX news, issue 17
LaTeX news, issue 19
LaTeX news, issue 20
LaTeX news, issue 21, May 2014
LaTeX news, issue 22, January 2015
LaTeX news, issue 23, October 2015
LaTeX news, issue 24, January 2016
LaTeX news, issue 25, March 2016
LaTeX news, issue 26, January 2017
LaTeX news, issue 27, April 2017
LaTeX news, issue 28, April 2018
LaTeX news, issue 29, December 2018
LaTeX news, issue 30, October 2019
LaTeX news, issue 31, February 2020
LaTeX news, issue 32, October 2020
LaTeX news, issue 33, June 2021
LaTeX news, issue 34, November 2021
LaTeX news, issue 35, June 2022
LaTeX news, issue 36, November 2022
LaTeX news, issue 37, June 2023
LaTeX news, issue 38, November 2023
LaTeX news, issue 39, June 2024
LaTeX News, Issue 9, June 1998 (#latexnews,issue9,june1998)
LaTeX news, issues 14-16, 2001-2003
LaTeX-on-HTTP: LaTeX as a commodity web service for application developers
LaTeX on the road
LaTeX on the Web
LaTeX-paragraphs floating around figures
LaTeX profiles as objects in the category of markup languages
LaTeX profiling of author submissions—completeness & usability checking
The LaTeX project: A case study of open source software
A LaTeX reference manual
The LaTeX release workflow and the LaTeX dev formats
LaTeX resources
LaTeX's Index Processing
LaTeX source from word processors
A LaTeX style file generator
LaTeX table columns with fixed widths
LaTeX Tagged PDF—A blueprint for a large project
The LaTeX Tagged PDF project—A status and progress report
LaTeX Tagged PDF project progress report for summer 2024 (#latextaggedpdfprojectprogressreportforsummer2024)
LaTeX technologies at work—aesthetically beautiful PDFs on the fly from XML input: XML Page Composition (XPC) micro-service in the cloud
The LaTeX template generator: How micro-templates reduce template maintenance effort
LaTeX/TeX user: A typist, or typesetter?
LaTeX to ePub
A LaTeX tour, Part 1: The basic distribution (#latextour,part1thebasicdistribution)