[biblio] the 'bug' mystery of the disappearing 'V.' as third initial

Michel Chaudron m.r.v.chaudron at gmail.com
Sun Feb 2 18:36:40 CET 2020

Dear BibTex experts

I ran into a problem - I think it is a bug - somewhere.

My name is Michel R. V. Chaudron - mostly I use this form of my name with
my first name spelled out and then the initials of my middle names 'R.V.'
and then my lastname ('Chaudron') - and sometimes as 'M.R.V. Chaudron'
-only using my initials.

In many papers - both authored by myself or by others - my name appears as
'M.R. Chaudron' - hence my third initial 'V.' has disappeared.

This is undesirable for me because these style of citations are not always
correctly accounted to me. Hence I am wondering if there is some 'hidden'
logic somewhere in the way that bibtex-references are processed where this
initial is either forgotten or removed - maybe because (La)Tex/Bibtex
suspects this 'V' represents a 'van' (which is common in Dutch and German

I hope you can help find out where this glitch originates from and then
solve it.

  Michel R. V. Chaudron

Software Engineering Division
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers <http://www.chalmers.se/en/> & Gothenburg University
<http://www.gu.se/english>, Sweden
chaudron(at)chalmers.se, chaudron(at)gu.se
Office location: Jupiter Building, Lindholmen Campus
  Lindholmen Dataset of UML Models: http://models-db.com/oss/    Euromicro
SEAA <http://dsd-seaa2018.fit.cvut.cz/main/>
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