Not off-topic: Wrong couple divorced after computer error by law firm Vardag's

William F. Adams willadams at
Fri Apr 19 14:07:49 CEST 2024

 The current top comment from the discussion on hackernew seems to explain how this is a typical example of a news service creating "much noise and fury signifying nothing":

>You can see the UI for UK's divorce lawyers in this training document[1] pdf. It's not actually that bad, but the payment flow only shows case numbers, not names.

However, the headline for this article is a bit misleading. It sounds like the lawyers just divorced a random married couple, and the judge refused to undo it.

But if you go through the article, and put together the clues like a game of Dog Crimes, you get the following sequence of events:
1) The wife hired a speciality divorce law firm. 2) The law firm had already completed all divorce paperwork and uploaded documents into court web system for the wife divorcing the husband.3) The law firm accidentally selected this "case" to submit and pay for, rather than another intended case. 4) Per UK law the husband would have been officially notified of the completion of the divorce. 5) The wife was not happy about this surprise. 6) The wife's law firm went to court to undo the divorce. 7) The husband hired his own lawyers to keep the divorce. 8) Given that all the paperwork was correct filed, and one member of the couple wanted to keep the divorce the judge let it stand.

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