tds-0.9991 technical comments

Joachim Schrod
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 21:24:25 +0100

>>>>> "UV" == Ulrik Vieth <> writes:

UV> P.S.  I just noticed another problem in the LaTeX version, which only
UV> shows up in the DVI file: In the tdsSummary environment for AmiWeb2C,
UV> the trailing colon in "TeXMF:" isn't recognized as a column separator
UV> (unlike the trailing slashes elsewhere).  Apparently, someone has to
UV> hack tdsguide.cls again to handle this. 

I'll have a look at it, but not before the weekend.


Joachim Schrod					Email:
Net & Publication Consultance			Tel.:  +49-6074-861530
Roedermark, Germany				Fax:   +49-6074-861531