Helmut Kopka's interpretation of the TDS
Pierre MacKay
Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:58:25 -0800
o TeX and its support programs become bigger and slower.
o If you want to look directly at a macro file (e.g., plain.tex or
amstex.tex) (which I do from time to time), then you have to dig
to find it.
This is giving a name a bad dog.
The TDS specifications do not do anything to the size of TeX, they
do seem to create a few more inodes on a Unix system than the more
rational ;-} way of setting up the tree, but they say nothing about
the size of TeX itself.
The inclusion of the kpathsea library does add a bit:
I show -rwxr-xr-x 2 texmf adm 101284 Oct 5 1995 libkpse.so
for the shared object library, and 147000 bytes for the static library
With an up-to-date ls-R database, I don't sense any serious
delay introduced by kpathsea at all. I very much doubt that
a huge TEXINPUTS etc set of environments such as I used to use
would make things any nippier.
As for looking at a macro file directly---in a complex TeX
environment, with numerous TeX, LaTeX and metafont packages
I find
alias kpsemore 'set xxx=`kpsewhich \!$` && echo $xxx ; more $xxx'
absolutely liberating. It gives me both the path and the
text of the macro file without any difficulty at all.
I also use kpsecp to bring working copies into a private directory.
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